Technical advice

Electrical installations & Industrial automation

We offer technical advice on how to design and use electrical systems and industrial automation.

Yes, but Electrical systems and industrial automation, has world-class experience in inspections, quality systems and certification processes. We can advise your team if you have any questions regarding the management of your electrical systems or industrial automation systems.

Our experts’ extensive knowledge and experience on electrical installation processes makes us a professional and trusted consultant. The specialists Si.Ma. they provide complete technical support on all phases of the electrical installation; be it technical advice on equipment and machines, analysis and evaluation of the status quo or development of customer-specific solutions.

triangolo blu

Technical advice

Design and use of electrical systems

The range of Si.Ma. on the design and use of electrical systems covers a wide range of support areas.

The electrical installation experts of Si.Ma. they may be present during the design phase to validate plans or calculation notes. They can advise you to find the best technical and financial compromise.


Targeted technical advice

In addition to the listed services, we add targeted advice for:

Electrical Installations

Electrical transformer substations

Video surveillance systems

Structured cabling

Building automation

Fire fighting

Industrial Automation

Direct software assistance on the system or in remote controller

Technical consultancy relating to design activities

Consultancy for the resolution of problems due to failures or anomalies on systems and automated lines.

Consultancy in relations with ministerial bodies for the verification of plants and machinery

Analysis of electrical networks using all the tools required by the CEI standard

Consultancy for the machinery CE certification

SPRESAL - ASL practices following accidents

Technical practices

SI.MA. s.r.l.

Electrical Systems – Industrial Automation

SI.MA. s.r.l. over the years we have been involved in many large-scale and broad-profile projects around the world, we have always worked to high standards.

Reliability is what sets us apart. Rely on our qualified team for the design, construction and installation of electrical systems, electrical lighting systems, renewable energy systems, fire prevention systems and industrial automation.

Our works

Latest Projects

automazione industriale PORSCHE-STOCCARDA

Industrial Automation

  • Porsche – Stuttgart
automazione industriale Bentler America

Industrial Automation

  • Bentler – America
Si.Ma srl Impianti elettrici - Automazione Industriale - logo



Administrative Headquarters

Via G. Trombetta, 147
14020, Cerro Tanaro (AT)

Operational Headquarters

Corso Alessandria, 575
14100, Asti (AT)